Featured Artist: Wayne Anderson Designs
A lot of beautifully designed ugly monster always makes me happy. Anderson's work can be seen in plenty of films and television,...
Featured Artist: Wayne Anderson Designs
Weekly Robot: Robots in Disguise Skywarp Warrior Class (2017)
Weekly Robot- Generations Collaborative: Transformers Back to the Future Mash-Up: Gigawatt
Weekly Robot- Transformers Universe: Darkwind (Ultra Class, 2009)
Featured Artist: Tom Rush
Weekly Robot- Generations Titans Return Legends Class Seaspray (2017)
Weekly Robot- Pacific Rim Uprising: Obsidian Fury - Tamashii Nations Robot Spirits
Weekly Robot- Beast Wars Quickstrike (Basic Fuzor, 1998)
Weekly Robot- War for Cybertron: Earthrise Voyager WFC-E21 Decepticon Snapdragon
Weekly Robot- War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe WFC-E20 Smokescreen