This batch of manga features the light and character focused stories of Yoshiharu Tsuge, new editions of the classic Battle Angel, cute monster high school action, a romance between a lonely salaryman and his household robot, and a new horror story from the director of the Train to Busan.
(W) Yoshiharu Tsuge (A/CA) Yoshiharu Tsuge
Yoshiharu Tsuge leaves early genre trappings behind, taking a light, humorous approach in these stories based on his own travels. Red Flowers ranges from deep character studies to personal reflections to ensemble comedies set in the hotels and bathhouses of rural Japan. These vital comics inspired a wealth of fictionalized memoir from Tsuge's peers and a desire within the postwar generation to document and understand the diversity of Japan's cultures.
Why this caught my eye:
Tonally a lot of my manga as of late has jumped between horror, comedy, soul crushing drama, and action, so this this just sounds like a nice change of pace.
(W) Yukito Kishiro (A/CA) Yukito Kishiro
In a dump in the lawless settlement of Scrapyard, far beneath the mysterious space city of Zalem, disgraced cyber-doctor Daisuke Ido makes a strange discovery: the detached head of a cyborg woman who has lost all her memories. He names her Alita and equips her with a powerful new body, the Berserker. While Alita remembers no details of her former life, a moment of desperation reawakens in her nerves the legendary school of martial arts known as Panzer Kunst. In a place where there is no justice but what people make for themselves, Alita decides to become a hunter-killer, tracking down and taking out those who prey on the weak. But can she hold onto her humanity?
This new paperback edition features an updated translation in six affordable, 300-page volumes.
Why this caught my eye:
I pretty much always want everyone to read Battle Angel, so whenever they re-release in new editions I of course am going to highlight it. Now go! Read Alita! This, I command!
(W) Rem (A) Bikkuri
At Hemlock Heart Academy, science wiz Kazu Decker shows off his skills by creating a humanoid girl named Pandora. But in a world of monsters and mayhem, surviving high school is harder than getting good grades and lessons often turn violent at Hemlock. Fortunately for them, Pandora's stoic nature and seemingly limitless strength, paired with Kazu's luck, knowledge and friends, get them out of trouble almost as often as it gets them mixed up in it!
For older teen audiences.
Why this caught my eye:
The preview art just looks really crisp and fluid, and the concept sounds cute and fun.
(W) Jiro Sugiura (A) Jiro Sugiura
A bittersweet love story between a lonely salaryman and his household robot. Takuma is a single guy who does nothing but go to work and come home. Too tired to do chores, he decides to get a robot to cook and keep house. "Mina-chan" is such a good housekeeper, Takuma jokes that she should become his wife. Mina takes Takuma's joke seriously, and slowly the two start doing more things together, like having a picnic outside. As time goes by, Takuma starts to fall for Mina, but can a human and a robot ever have an equal, loving relationship?
Why this caught my eye:
Getting some Cherry 3000 vibes from this, and robot wives are the kind of topic that's always precariously balancing between creepy and an interesting discussion about sentience and love.
(W) Yeon Sang-Ho (A/CA) Choi Gyu-Seok
One day, you will receive a message from an unknown sender. The message will only include your name, the fact that you are going to hell, and the time you have left to live. When the time counts down to zero, supernatural beings manifest to condemn you to hell. Amid social chaos and increasing hysteria, the people must find a way to survive this inexplicable terror.
• From Yeon Sang-Ho, director of the international hit and cult favorite film Train to Busan and cartoonist Choi Gyu-Seok, creator of the acclaimed webtoon Songgot.
• Available for the first time in English!
Why this caught my eye:
You had me at Train To Busan. Also, if you haven't seen Train To Busan, go see Train To Busan.
That's it for this batch, we'll take a look at comedy on the next round!